Faith and reason can be friends
Is God just too good to be true?
We HAVE to check out our doubts.
And yes, both “Belief in God” and “Christian faith”
CAN be evidence-based!
There has been much said and written in these times to oppose the path of Christian faith. In all honesty, I was a pretty good atheist in my day, so I know how it works. And hmmm … indeed … even the Bible was right about me at the time [Psalm 14:1]: “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
My own long term evaluation of Christianity, eventually led me to find that we really CAN find evidence that allows us to accept both ‘belief in God‘ and ‘Christian faith‘!
(I am from a senior auditing background and the majority of my advisory team are Christian clergy. To glimpse the ‘who’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of this website please click here.)
But yes, I still completely understand how the knowledge, and acceptance, of faith held by believers in this day and age CAN look ‘just too good to be true’ to the average unbeliever!
In this article – based on my own long journey of investigation and evaluation – I firstly discuss the major doubts that can prevent so many of us ‘thinkers’ from even wondering whether God exists. Then I go on to discuss how we begin to open our minds to actually testing Christian faith for ourselves. As such, how we can actually come to ‘believe in God‘; accept that he is real! Plus … as I came to find … there ARE rewards for each of us, such as real contentment and purpose in life, that can flow from our growing faith.
And, in fact, if you just want some brief guidance on ‘how to believe in God‘, then start by reading the info under Headings 4 and 5 in this article.
But yes, there certainly can be major doubts facing us, when we think about trying faith for ourselves. For example the subject of “science versus religion”. Yes, it just ‘stopped me in my tracks’ before I finally checked it out. And I mean that I had to seriously analyse scientific facts, so as to find just how wrong I had been.
And that was just one doubt blocking my way forward. Indeed I THOROUGHLY researched all the major causes of doubts that I held at that time. And, you know, I actually found that they WERE all unfounded.
The “Deal with doubts” section of the website (see the Menu Bar above) has been developed to address those major doubts for readers, and to logically challenge the ‘atheist worldview’. The other articles in this ‘doubts’ section are:
- Science and religion?
- Suffering and evil?
- So what is God?
- Why is God invisible?
- Evidence of Jesus?
- Defining faith and belief
- The framework for evidence
- Christian doubts
- Why people want to believe
- We must be ready to believe
After my serious investigation of doubts, there was NO logical reason preventing me from checking out Christian faith … as well as searching for evidence of God’s presence; his existence!
Again, there are just so many negative opinions, existing about Christianity, held within the broader community. (And obviously, I had those same opinions before checking them out!) For example, it is a common belief that, “recorded history does not verify that Jesus even existed, let alone died on a wooden cross”.
Wrong! It is recorded, according to mainstream historical scholars (i.e. experts who have no links to the Christian Church). Yes, there are genuine ‘historical documents‘ in existence to support that Jesus lived and died as the Bible explains.
And the Bible itself? Well, I know it takes time to understand its contents, but that ‘amazing big book‘ really is there to help us on our journey of faith. I offer some advice about it later.
There is also ‘something’ about Christianity, that you find as you study its basis, that makes it stand out! NO OTHER RELIGION refers to God’s ‘love for us’ as its core, like Christianity does. Yes, it is oh so special! Please have a read of the article, “Christianity explained simply” to better understand it all. AND how it all fits together …
So, it seemed possible to me, after my investigation and overall evaluation of major doubts, that “faith” and “reason” just might be able to ‘get along’! Now, it WAS time for me to trial faith: to begin my investigation there. Could I come to believe somehow that God was real?
Firstly though, I just needed to know where any of us CAN look to find the evidence we need?
4.1 How I got into it
In my case, a friend of mine finally convinced me to evaluate Christian faith for myself. That is, to use my professional auditing skills and ability to do so!
His final words on the subject were, “Pete, I am sure that if you really put Christianity to the test, you will find that it is not ‘make-believe’!”
4.2 ‘Baby steps’ at first
In the very early stages of my testing I only trialled Bible-based practises, like ‘prayer‘ and ‘guidance‘, in my day-to-day life. And yes, I did ‘kind of’ get some indications, at least, that God may have been present there. And I mean I did seriously research the ‘basis of those practises’ in the Bible before trialling them in my life.
An ordained Christian chaplain, who had just begun to regularly visit my workplace, was only too pleased to help me out with advice and offer me theological books to read during this time. Was it just luck that he happened to turn up at that time? (That chaplain is incidentally on my website’s advisory team.)
Anyway, ‘on the one hand’, I hadn’t really expected any positive indications to be evident. But, ‘on the other hand’, I was still far from convinced. I knew that I needed to look MUCH deeper if I wanted to really check it out.
4.3 Getting a bit more serious
So, making sure that I kept an open mind, as any auditor should, I began to seriously test Christianity. And YES, I knew that had to include going to church! And I admit that wasn’t an easy decision to make!
But … my wife and I started going to a regular old Protestant church and, very surprisingly to me, my faith knowledge etc did begin to grow quite quickly as a result. I admit that we were very fortunate to have such a ‘cluey’ church leader at our chosen church. Week after week we were on the receiving end of high quality Bible-based sermons (talks). These firstly explained the deep meaning behind those scriptures. They also included guidance from him, based on the scriptures, about how to actually engage, or connect, with God in our lives … and the potential benefits open to us if we did so. (And, I must add that this guy is now also a member of my website’s advisory team.)
That all had a flow-on effect in my life, and my search for ‘God’s presence‘ there. What at least seemed to be evidence as such did begin to ‘mount up’ in my day-to-day life. I was very slowly becoming … mildly confident God may well be the ‘real deal’. You know, this would have taken soooo long, without that church leader of ours. (So yes, I found going to church is ‘not negotiable’ if we want to really believe.)
And by now I was also finding that the Bible, in its own right, seemed to have a degree of ‘evidence’ within it. I put in some serious reading here, from front to back I can assure you! I noted for example that it held interconnected ‘big picture’ stuff … and I mean right through it … that really made sense in my ‘auditor brain’. BUT remember we have to know just how to ‘decipher’ that big old Book! Please see the article, “Our amazing Bible“. The article has been written by another expert member of the website’s advisory team.
Mind you, at that stage, still just ‘early days’ in my journey of faith, I really wanted to be much more certain. I mean, I wanted SOUND evidence. And quickly, if I could! I mean … that’s just the way my mind works. Mind you, I was oh so slowly getting an idea at least how practising Christians each came to ‘believe in God’.
4.4 Really going for it!
Then ‘out of the blue’ another Christian friend (and fellow auditor) told me about what sounded like ‘crazy stuff‘ happening in a growing area of the Christian Church. He said this was thanks to the Holy Spirit. Well! Was all this starting to become ‘just too good to be true’ again?
Anyway, my wife and I ‘bit the bullet’. We started alternating between services at our regular old church and other churches recommended by my friend.
Look, although it’s certainly not mandatory, anyone who is searching for evidence of God’s presence should not just close themselves off from the ‘possibilities’ available in that area of the Church. That is without having a ‘look into it’. Yeah, I had been ‘cocky’ and denied its possibilities in the past. But, now I was really questioning my old arrogant ways. I admit I was even a bit of a ‘scaredy-cat’ at first, when fronting those services. I mean I was not ready for … what at least appeared to be genuine ‘spiritual’ action there! And no, I am not exagerating here at all!
AND I then knew I had to really trial it, if I was ever going to ‘know one way or the other’. First off, I came to find there was absolutely no need to have been a ‘scaredy-cat’ at all. There are literally hundreds of millions of people in the worldwide Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement. That is, where ‘all this’ goes on. At this time, it is still the fastest growing area of the greater Christian Church.
Yes, I came to witness and ‘experience stuff‘ that went way past my expectations. Then the old church, that my wife and I were still attending regularly, changed its leader. And it then joined the same ‘movement’. Serious stuff happened there too. Indeed there was evidence, there for my wife and me, that was genuinely ‘rock-solid’ to us. And I mean “REALLY!”
If you like, check out the article, “Is this Spirit stuff real?” As the name implies, it describes how I literally put it all ‘to the test’ for myself over the years. That article explains, in detail, about my long-term analysis and final evaluation on the subject.
And yes, ‘the auditor‘ WAS finally convinced!
4.5 The end result
Well, I obviously came to hold very strong belief in God, as a result of my eventual ‘sound Christian faith‘ and its use in both the Church and my life. I finally had to completely agree, with my friend, that Christianity was not ‘make-believe’ at all! And I came to recognise, during the process, what a beautiful and fulfilling religion Christianity is. Life changing!
But, you know, I never stopped evaluating it all. (As that experienced, senior auditor I was until my retirement, and my underlying analytical nature, I guess I just cannot help myself.) I must add again that an ‘expert group of advisors‘ assisted me on that long journey. They were so ready and willing to do so. Never pressuring me to accept their views either.
So, my Christian journey did begin thirty plus years ago, and I am still locating solid evidence to further support all those early positive findings of mine. And, as such, both my Christian faith and belief in God grow ever deeper.
I state it again: all that is needed as a starting point for ‘faith’ and ‘belief’ is an OPEN MIND. That is what I came to find is true, as a result of my evaluation. And, in fact, that is how all ‘auditors’ must approach their projects … open minded, looking for evidence one way or the other, and ready to accept the results!
Where can YOU begin though, with your own journey towards faith and belief?
5.1 How to start
I guess, first off, you do need to ‘rise above’ any of those doubts you may hold. This section of the website, “Deal with doubts” (again see the Menu Bar above), tries to help in that way. All the articles included in the section are also listed above under Heading 2.
And then IF you are open minded and ready, THEN the “Our journey of faith” section of this website gives overall guidance on how we each can come to believe in God and gain the benefits. Please just begin by reading the ‘intro article’, “How to believe in God?” to that website section mentioned above.
I am now SO CONFIDENT that it all really does work! As such we can recognise the God’s presence within ‘our day-to-day lives‘, events ‘in the Church‘ and of course within the Bible when we know how to ‘decipher’ it.
I don’t doubt at all that each of us can come to build ‘sound Christian faith‘ for ourselves and ‘receive the rewards‘. No, it’s absolutely NOT too good to be true!
5.2 Make sure your evidence is sound
But, of course, your belief MUST be based on what us ‘thinkers’ regard as genuine evidence and sound reasoning. I would not have it any other way! Neither should you.
Trust me again please, evidence can be profound at times, if we are willing to take the steps that are on offer from God. Yes, some of it can be ‘rock-solid’ as I mentioned above.
Have a look at the article, “Framework for evidence” if you would like to follow my approach of analysis and evaluation. It was obviously built simply from methods I used during my professional auditing career. I also explain a bit about how to locate evidence in that article too.
The small subsection, “Doubt and Christians” is there, in this section of the website, to assist both ‘beginner’ and ‘experienced’ Christians to work through any doubts that may surface during their journeys of faith. That is, as they look for evidence of God’s presence there.
The article, “Defining faith and belief” explains ‘how and why’ I use those two words, “belief” and “faith”, in this article and many others on this website.
Again please, if you would like to build “Christian faith” and come to “believe in God” then just begin by reading the article, “How to believe in God?“