Evidence that helps us to believe in God
must meet sound criteria.



The “About this website” article states that the main objective for this website is to provide you, the reader, with the ability (in audit ‘speak’) to test both the veracity of Christian faith and its efficacy for yourself. That is like I did, as the senior auditor that I was, when I began my own journey of Christian faith.

Now, veracity here refers to the “truth and accuracy” of Christianity. Efficacy refers to how well Christian faith works: “is it effective when applied to our lives?”

(So I am from a senior auditing background. And the majority of my advisory team are Christian clergy. To glimpse the ‘who’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of this website again please click here.)

In this particular article then, I offer an ‘evidence based practice’ that can used by readers to help them decide, for themselves, whether God does exist; whether Christianity does offer positive outcomes for their lives.


So firstly, how do we effectively build our belief in God? Indeed … ‘belief’ that will stand the test of time, and in turn support our Christian faith plus its positive outcomes on life. Well, as suggested already, by applying “evidence based practice” to our journey. Please glimpse the image above.

The methodology follows these five steps:

  1. Ask by defining your need: e.g. “Can I believe in God?”
  2. Acquire by ‘finding’ evidence.
  3. Appraise the evidence to see whether it is ‘genuine’.
  4. Apply the ‘genuine evidence’ to your question, e.g. “Can I believe in God?” to know whether it offers the proof you need?
  5. Analyse the processes continually for effectiveness and possible improvement.


Now, it is pretty easy to work out the questions we are asking eh? Yes, each of us simply wants to know, “Can I believe in God?” and “Can Christian faith also lead to added purpose and contentment in my life?”
(See step 1 in the image above.)

Let’s now work through the rest of the steps.


Well, what we do here is go in search of the evidence which can then be ‘appraised’ as explained under Heading 5 below.

And look, I really hope the articles on this website will help you in your search for that evidence. You can for example begin by reading the article, “How to believe in God?” It also gives advice on how to best use the rest of the website to expand your search.

Please read on for a brief explanation of where evidence can actually be found.

4.1    Evidence in church

The Christian Church itself, to my mind, is a great place to begin our search. If you like, just begin with the article, “God’s presence in the Church” for guidance.

For starters, the Church helps each of us, in a Bible-based approach, to understand Christianity and our loving God. As I continually state on this website, we need to understand ‘what’ we are trying to believe in, before we go in search of proof.

I also maintain you can experience events there in the Church, relevant to evidence itself. And some are even categorised by me as ‘palpable’. Well, maybe that does look crazy to you, but in some cases, yes, you can literally ‘feel them‘ as they happen to you. (I’ve added a little about the “Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement” later in this article.) On the other hand, you may witness actual events relating to other folk attending there that are obviously just not ‘physically based’. That is they are clearly ‘spiritually based’.

Now, from my experience, when faced with these events for the first time, my suspicious mind DID have trouble accepting them as real.  BUT in the end, as I witnessed them happening to people I truly knew, I had no option other than let them ‘rock my socks’. These were simply just plain amazing events and they WERE happening regularly right there in front of me.

AND then I came to be on the receiving end myself. There are some relevent links to related articles to be found under Subheading 6.2 below.

But look, not all spiritually based experiences available in the Church are of that strength. It is possible to experience events, that Christians interpret as God engaging with them there in the Church, in a much gentler way. And that occurs in almost any church service … anywhere. Once we know ‘how to recognise it‘ of course.

4.2    Evidence in everyday life

When it comes to day-to-day life, we can experience there what I also refer to as ‘God’s presence‘. Yes, evidence can be recognised there too. That is when we willingly engage with him, there in our lives, as the Bible supports.

Again, the evidence will not be as dramatic as in the “Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement”. No, it’s usually a case of ‘more of the same’, ‘more of the same’ etc. I’m talking about ‘high odds of things’ repetitively happening in your life as you ‘walk with the Lord’, just as the Bible guides and supports. Eventually it can come to seem … well …  natural, expected and oh, so real. And I’m talking about ‘positive outcomes’ for you. More often than not, they may relate to something you have prayed about … or some event/ issue you have deliberately trusted to the Lord’s guidance or assistance. Mind you I am NOT referring to stuff like ‘fame and fortune’, or getting your ‘wishlists’ delivered, here. Please read the article, “What does faith offer us?” for an explanation.

Look, there are many, many articles available here on this website to guide you in your search for evidence. Please see the heading, “God in our Lives” in the Menu Bar above. Maybe just begin by reading the article, “God’s presence in our lives” for overall guidance.

4.3    Evidence in the Bible

It is also true to say that we can even find recognisable hints of God’s very existence within and throughout the Bible itself. Yes, it can take time, but amazing threads, themes etc run through its entire contents. I am talking about ‘deep and meaningful’ stuff in there that clearly didn’t just happen through incredibly good luck!

Have a quick look at the article, “Jesus as God” for simple examples.

Your “church of choice” will guide you as you build your Bible-based knowledge.


Fundamentally, this step relates to deciding whether the evidence we have located is really ‘genuine’. It is a vital step, at that.

But, what do I mean by the term “genuine evidence”? Well, for someone of my professional auditing background, ‘definitions’ of evidence that can ‘prove’ something to us will include words like “valid” and “relevant” for starters.

In simple words: we may accept that evidence, gathered by us, of God’s presence and his impact on our individual lives is ‘genuine’ … if as a minimum it fits the following framework:

  • Firstly, evidence as defined above must be based on our own definite experiences
    (it is ‘valid’ evidence).
  • Secondly, evidence must be compatible and not be in conflict with the Bible
    (it is ‘relevant’ evidence).


Let us now look at how we can individually make our own ‘credible’ judgements based on the ‘genuine evidence’ we have gathered. That is, does “all the evidence” we have gathered actually offer proof of God’s presence: his very existence? Does it prove to us that God, as a mimimum, does seem to be real? And importantly are our lives ‘improved’ as a result of his presence there?

Also, our evidence must NOT be in conflict with our Christian faith. In fact it must support it!

Let’s discuss then what the word “proof”, in this regard, really means for us here.

6.1    Minimum ‘evidence’

Certainly, we each need to gather enough of this evidence to satisfy ourselves that God is present in our lives and the Church; he is real. Obviously, if the evidence we find is powerful enough, we won’t need as much of it to accept that he is.

But firstly, let me explain what “proof of God’s existence” does not mean on this website. It does not refer to ‘proving’ in a ‘scientific’ sense. Please read the article, “Why is God invisible?” for an explanation.

In essence, the average human being accepts things as ‘believable’ when they do locate enough ‘genuine evidence’ to support the standard of “beyond reasonable doubt”. That is they consider they have sufficient proof at that point of time.

6.2    But, how ‘real’ can the proof be?

Remember the powerful events and experiences, that I mentioned earlier, available in churches within the Pentecostal/ Charismatic ‘movement’. Some are ‘palpable’ (yes again, you can feel them). Other events there can also truly ‘rattle your cage’. No exaggerations!

This relevant evidence can readily be both ‘personal’ and ‘irrefutable’ for each of us, as far as my auditor brain is concerned. Please read the article, “Experiencing the Holy Spirit” for supporting information. Or try reading the article, “Is this Holy Spirit stuff real?” for my final evaluation. I genuinely can write that my own belief in God became virtually ‘without doubt”, during those early years of faith … after those experiences.

Now you may well think the following example of mine is fairy-tale stuff! But my wife and I first became involved with the ‘movement’ in our early years of attending churches. And, as one example, I witnessed a healing miracle there.

The miracle actually involved my wife. And it was ABSOLUTELY ‘for real’. I mean her previously destroyed brain cells, resulting from a stroke long before, were ‘just’ replaced right there and then in that church healing service! And as a result, her existing and significant health issues just disappeared in that instant. (Click the last link above to read more about it.) Please note that I would gain nothing by exaggerating/ lying about all this stuff to you, i.e. there is no advertising on this website. There is no reason for me to keep you here reading!

But remember, plenty of evidence on a smaller scale can also be found in your ‘day-to-day life‘, and within just about ‘every church‘ out there. This is particularly likely once your relationship with God grows closer and more ‘faithful’. The evidence, as such, just becomes all the more recognisable. And with time, as we become faithful Christians, each of us can come to hold belief, virtually ‘without doubt’. My word, YES!

To say less than that would be a disservice to you.

6.3    But, proof is yours only

Yes, proof of God’s presence may be so very convincing to each of us … because we CAN indeed experience it. And yes it can fit that ‘framework for evidence’ detailed above.

Your proof may not convince others

But, as absolutely ‘special’ some of this proof may be to us as individuals, it cannot be termed “scientific” or classified as “objective” by someone else.

So, it may be ‘rock-solid’ to us, yes! Possibly ‘irrefutable’ to us, yes! But, scientific? No! And we cannot usually pass our evidence on to anyone else, so they are also ‘convinced’, under normal circumstances.

Normally to the outsider, it can only be considered as ‘subjective’ information at best. I am the first to admit that a so-called ‘third party’ cannot verify our religious beliefs, or the overall proof we each obtained in order to ‘believe’.

You see, God will only prove himself to each of us ‘individually’. And for that to occur we must willingly engage with him. Oh, he may encourage us to connect with him. But normally we must do the engaging, particularly in everyday life.

So, as I have explained above, your experiences probably won’t mean much to an outsider?

A simple example of mine

And here is an example. I relayed details of my wife’s ‘miracle healing‘, that I mentioned above, to a close family relative. That relative truly knew of my wife’s pre-existing, long-term stroke damage. He was aware that her doctor had made it clear that the stroke damage was most likely permanent. And he also knew the damage had now disappeared after that relevant church healing event. But, as a hardened atheist, he would NOT believe our explanation of events.

He just wrote it all off as a natural ‘spontaneous healing event’! I retaliated with these words, “What … and it just happened as a Christian healer’s hand touched her?” He shrugged, unable to even accept the possibility of any supernatural cause!

Hmmm, hardened atheists eh? My wife’s health never did ‘regress’ (i.e. It didn’t return to its earlier damaged state). The significant healing event happened decades ago. Of course, as the atheist that I once was, I can imagine me not believing what had happened either (if the ‘shoe was on the other foot’). I admit it. But of course I too would have been just as mistaken!


Remember also, each of us must continually keep analyzing all of our ‘evidence gathering processes’ for effectiveness and possible improvement.

Evidence and acceptance of it, as actual proof, must fit that ‘framework’ provided above. That is, if it is to be used for “Building sound faith” and receiving those positive outcomes available to us, courtesy of the Lord. Indeed, as explained in the article, “What does faith offer us?”


So, for a Christian, true ‘belief’ in God, and sound Christian faith, really can shape up through the use of ‘evidence based practice’.

The ‘genuine evidence’ for analysis, within that practice, is gained through our own personal and positive experiences of faith. That can occur within ‘our lives‘, ‘the Church‘ and even the Bible.

Unfortunately, due to the personal nature of our faith and belief, it is unlikely that we can convince other people to accept our results as valid for them. Everyone simply has to do it all for themselves by starting out on their own ‘journey of faith‘. They gather their own evidence for ‘appraisal’ and ‘application’ as they travel. And that journey, with its valid experiences, must soundly comply with the Bible.